Sending backups to NextCloud

I wasn’t too sure on how to integrate my NextCloud as a backup destination.
I went ahead & tried using FTP but the connection didn’t go through.
I was wondering if someone could help with the steps or the documentation.
I entered my Server IP & Port & selected the folder path ‘Downloads’ & entered my username & password but I got a “Failed to connect: The underlying connection was closed: The server committed a
protocol violation.” error when trying to test the connection.


can you check with a classic Ftp client such as filezilla (for example) with the same IP, port and SSL configuration (that is, none, if I understand correctly) and verify that you can connect with the same user name and password ?

I use WebDAV for that.
As a Destination, select in the Storage Type: WebDAV, use SSL (if you have it).
Server and Port: The Nextcloud URL, I use the standard port, so I leave it empty.
Path on server is the WebDAV URL that Nextcloud gives you BUT, you have to use it without the URL in the beginning. So it should be something like this: remote.php/dav/files/USER/FOLDER/FOLDER
Username and Password to what you have set up in Nextcloud.

When you click on “Test Connection” it should work.


This is what I get when trying

Notice the webdav:////192.x.x.x/ part at the beginning? That should be webdav://192.x.x.x/. It looks like you either added 2 slashes at the start and should remove them, or maybe you put the IP as part of the path instead of the server field.

I had // in the server & port field. If I remove them I get this

Anyone got any ideas?

I don’t know NextCloud but having 2 parts with '?param=value looks weird. Not sure if it’s conformant with Http standards. Can you post the screenshot with the Nextcloud URL (FYI since it’s a server on a private network there is not much privacy issue, no one on the Internet can hack your server using its IP address…)

Hmm, that’s you have put into Duplicati backup config, and we know it does not work. I was more interested in what you found in your Nextcloud configuration, actually.
I have found this on the Nextcloud site:

Maybe you could try to use it to find the proper URL ?