Run as Service failed login


as User everything except VSS works.
So I thought lets run it as admin, same problem.
Next was to create a Service(tried with and without webservice-password):

C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2> ./Duplicati.WindowsService.exe install --webservice-interface=any --webservice-port=8200 --server-datafolder C:.…\AppData\Local\Duplicati --webservice-password

Creating and running the service is successful.
But Login is not possible, everything is wrong, I know the passphrase, I even looked in the sqllite table(strange that it is stored in cleartext). But nothing works.

Am I doing something wrong?

Welcome to the forum @Marabunta

Duplicati Access Password has some general information on the password usage.

Is that the end of the line? If trying to set a password this way, you need to supply it.

Configuring the server password

--webservice-password=<new password>

Example change with a different context

gives another way to set the password that doesn’t leave password quite as exposed.

Where are you looking and what did you see? I don’t even know if you set a password.

Server authentication model

The password is not stored in plain text, it is repeatedly hashes with a PBKDF method to ensure it is not readable from the database. This ensures that even an attacker with access to the database will not be able to obtain a password that can be used to log in.

If you didn’t actually supply a password, please do so using one of the two ways shown.

I did provide the password. I was not sure about escaping special characters
–webservice-password=^%()§/$abc or --webservice-password=“^%()§/$abc” <<passphrase
tried both with no success

Table option
row passphrase

I guess thats wrong, but i do not remember setting another password

I think that’s the job’s encryption passphrase. You might have several, if you have several jobs.
I’m thinking server passphrase was in server-passphrase info, and 2.1 has it in in pbkdf-config.

Let me see if I can set up Windows service with your info, and find out whether I can do a login.

Did you ever try it the ServerUtil way?

Also, look in the Application event log. There are probably some complaints sitting there.

Testing, install line with unquoted passphrase didn’t let me login, but the quoted version did.
I’d probably have to play more with special characters to narrow down which ones bother it.
Using ServerUtil “might” be less sensitive, so please try.

It seems like the ^ caret is the character it mishandles. Unsure why.


It’s the escape character in Command Prompt, like backslash is on other systems.
So doubling it works unquoted, and it seemed from test like double quoting works.

C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2>Duplicati.CommandLine.ServerUtil change-password --server-datafolder "C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Duplicati"
Connecting to http://localhost:8200/...
Please provide the new password: **********

does not need quoting or caret doubling, and lets me login with ^%()§/$abc.
If you haven’t already, also try with new browser tab or maybe a hard refresh.


Run the ServerUtil in Command Prompt (Admin) or similar. It needs access…

application log was spamming
Attempting to restart server process: C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2\Duplicati.Server.exe
2025-01-12 19:51:09 +01 - [Warning-Duplicati.Server.Program-MissingEncryptionKey]: No database encryption key was found. The database will be stored unencrypted. Supply an encryption key via the environment variable SETTINGS_ENCRYPTION_KEY or disable database encryption with the option --disable-db-encryption

Duplicati.CommandLine.ServerUtil change-password --server-datafolder C:\users\user\AppData\Local\Duplicati
Connecting to http://localhost:8200/
Please provide the new password: *******

Login with the new password was possible, but I have no access to the backups from my normal user. Can I just import the jobs and everything is fine?
And if everything is gone, can I still access it with just the backup files and the password in a new environment or do I need the appdata folder and other things?


Good first step.

Migrating from User to Service install on Windows are currently the latest directions for that.

That won’t know where your old databases were. It will assign new paths. Best to move old.
You can adapt the directions if you like, e.g. copy the old DBs to what Database screen has.

Direct restore from backup files

To restore files from the backup, Duplicati needs only to know how to access the files and the encryption passphrase (if any).

Is that what you mean? There’s also:

Migrating Duplicati to a new machine

thanks, will try that in the next days