Resource usage of recreation of local database

Hello @MaloW and welcome to the forum!

What Duplicati version are you using? I’m hoping your version is not canary, because this should have been made better, though extended reads of the remote can still happen if data is genuinely missing.

Before the fix, there was a false positive on missing data because of a change where empty files weren’t actually put on the remote. The recreate code hadn’t been adjusted, so kept on looking for an empty file…

Empty source file can make Recreate download all dblock files fruitlessly with huge delay #3747

Although having logs (got any?) would be better, one can estimate what Recreate is doing using following:

Recreating database logic/understanding/issue/slow

Server logs at Information level or above (e.g. Retry) can show what you’re fetching. I’d guess it’s dblocks.

Channels describes what canary is. If you decide to test it to see if it can Recreate faster, that’d be helpful. Don’t upgrade a production system to canary. It’s difficult to downgrade. Also, if you Recreate onto another system, don’t actually do a backup from there. You never want two systems backing up to one destination.

Typically, the first thing to try for “Unexpected difference in fileset” is to try delete of the version mentioned, perhaps using the Command option of the GUI. Adjust syntax which by default is set up to run backup, so generally you just need to remove the source paths backup would need, and add a --version delete needs.

Having tried to explain the busy disk as getting remote volumes in, I’m bothered to see 0% network activity.

EDIT: Are you a developer? I suspect might be field-patchable using a debugger if you want to hack. :wink: