Request Local Backup in the Cloud

I would like to give an idea about a functionality for the future that I think would be quite interesting … Some people need to make use of the 3 x 2 x 1 backup (3 backups, 2 local copies and 1 external), or something close to that, such as 2 x 1 x 1 (2 backups, 1 local copy and 1 external copy).

So my idea would be to add an option in Duplicati, so that it can be done in a storage 1 (local) and then copied to a storage 2, or even a backup can be done and at the time of sending it, send to 2 different destinations at the same time, such as an SSH / SFTP and Amazon.

I do not know if it is something that would be feasible to add, but it follows my indication of new functionality.

Sincerely, Tácio Andrade.

This appears to be a popular (and old) feature request. Unfortunately, none of the developers have had a chance to work on this yet…

Rclone can help in this case

Sync local to remote

It may be a real option, but the interesting thing about being native is that you would have a local and cloud backup report centrally and the cloud copy started for example when the local package has just been written (not with crontab) since the backup may take 1 minute or 5 hours to do, depending on what you have incremental data.

This discussion might be relevant:

I do local backups and use clound client to upload to Internet.

So, if I will need to restore a file I haven’t download something.