Report - File Names

Hi elmernet,

You’ll need to add a few advanced options to your backup jobs. Note: Add these options in step 5 after saving the job once, see this thread for details if your options don’t stick.

First option you need is the --log-file option, then provide it with a filename. You can specify the full path (prolly should) but if you only specify a filename like “backuplog.txt” that file will be created in Duplicati’s running folder, by default in Windows this is “C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2”.

Second option you need is the --log-file-log-level option and set it to Verbose. Other log levels may be a better fit but Verbose will show file details.

Notes: The --log-level option is depreciated so use --log-file-log-level. The -log-retention option is for internal logs held in the database, NOT file based logs. File logs are appended to or recreated if missing.