- Support for Windows paths starting with “\?”, thanks @dferreyra
- Improved performance of USN, thanks @dgehri
- Improved performance for restoring, thanks @pcmind
- Added support for filters with literals that would normally be treated as wildcards, thanks @dferreyra
- Improved build and tests, thanks @warwickmm and @dferreyra
- Switched to the new built-in .Net support for long paths, thanks @dferreyra
- Fixed issues with the Docker images by including mono-complete, thanks @warwickmm
- Fixed an issue with exporting passwords with url-encoding characters, thanks @warwickmm
- Fixed an issue with displaying icons in the restore tree, thanks @warwickmm
- Fixed a type that prevented a warning box from showing, thanks @warwickmm
- Added Storadera as an S3 destination, thanks @warwickmm