Sort of - I would recommend downgrading to canary (or older, so beta is a valid option) as a way to isolate whether the version of Duplicati you are running is the source of the issues you’re running into.
The version is the last version BEFORE a large multi-threading code update which seems to have introduced a few issues. If downgrading to that (or older) DOES resolve the problems you’re seeing, that’s great. It gives you a “base” you can feel confident returning to if future updates re-introduce the problems.
Of course if a pre- version does NOT resolve the issues, then it might be worth opening a separate topic with the specific errors you’re seeing so we can try to figure out if it’s something else with Duplicati, and issue with your destination, a transmission (internet) problem, or something else.
As a reminder of what’s mentioned in the downgrading guide below, you should not downgrade below unless you are OK digging around in the database to change a few database version numbers.