RecoveryTool Command options

Is their a list of command line options for restore? In particular to restore original file dates

I’m not sure whether you’re looking for help with the normal Duplicati.CommandLine.exe restore command or the Duplicati.CommandLine.RecoveryTool.exe.

In both cases you can use the help parameter to get more information such as the stuff below.

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help Restore

Usage: restore <storage-URL> ["<filename>"] [<options>]

  Restores <filename> to its original destination. If <filename> exists
  already, <filename> is changed to <filename-timestamp.extension>. To
  restore all files use "*" or leave empty.

    Overwrites existing files.
    Restores files to <restore-path> instead of their original destination.
    Top folders are removed if possible.
    Restore files that are older than the specified time.
    Restore files from a specific backup.

Duplicati.CommandLine.RecoveryTool.exe help

Duplicati Recovery Tool

This tool performs a recovery of as much data as possible in small steps that must be performed in order.
We recommend that you use Duplicati.CommandLine.exe to do the restore, and rely only on this tool if all else fails.

The steps to perform are:

1: Download
  Download files from the remote store and keep them unencrypted on a location available in the local filesystem.

2: Index
  Builds an index file to figure out what data is contained inside the files downloaded

3: Restore
  Restores the files to a destination you choose

Optionally you can also run:

4: List
  Shows what files are available and tests filters

5: Recompress
  Ability to change compression type of files on remote backend eg. from 7z to zip

Command descriptions:


Duplicati.RecoveryTool.exe download <remoteurl> <localfolder> [options]

Downloads all files matching the Duplicati filenames from <remoteurl> to <localfolder>, and decrypts them in the process.
The remote url must be one supported by Duplicati.
Use `Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help backends` to see backends and options.

Duplicati.RecoveryTool.exe index <localfolder> [options]

Examines all files found in localfolder and produces an index.txt file, which is a list of all block hashes found in the files.
The index file can be rather large. It defaults to being stored in <localfolder> but can be specified with --indexfile.
Some files are created in the system temporary folder, use --tempdir to set an alternative temporary folder location.

Duplicati.RecoveryTool.exe restore <localfolder> [version] [options]

Restores all files to their respective destinations. Use --targetpath to choose another folder where the files are restored into.
Use the filters, --exclude, to perform a partial restore.
Version can be either a number, a filename or a date. If omitted the most recent backup is used.

Duplicati.RecoveryTool.exe list <localfolder> [version] [options]

Lists contents of <localfolder> backups.
Version can be either a number, a filename or a date. 
If [version] is omitted a list of backup versions are shown, if [version] is supplied, files from that version are listed.
Use the filters, --exclude, to show a subset of files.

Duplicati.RecoveryTool.exe recompress <targetcompression> <remoteurl> <localfolder> --reupload --reencrypt [options]

1) Downloads whole remote storage to <localfolder>.
2) Recompress from existing compression type to <targetcompression>
3) If --reencrypt is supplied, again reencrypts using same passphrase (needs to be decrypted for compression type change)
4) If --reupload is supplied, files with old compression are deleted and recompressed files are uploaded back to remote storage (it is recommended to take at least temporary copy of remote storage before enabling this switch)

If --reupload is supplied it is advisable to specify --reencrypt for perfect security.

Warning: Before recompress delete local database and after recompress recreate local database before executing any operation on backup. This allows Duplicati to read new file names from remote storage.

Supported Options
The backend modules support all their normal options.
To see what options a specific backend supports, type:
  Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help <backend>

The environment variables AUTH_USERNAME and AUTH_PASSWORD are supported.
The options --parameters-file and --tempdir are supported.

You might want to refer to his other thread - it’s yet another case where a user is hitting a brick wall when attempting to do a restore following a crash.