Qnap Container Station 3.0 + Duplicati

Hello, I’m attempting to get Duplicati to work on my Qnap nas with Container Station 3.0. It’s perfect for my use case. For my destination, I can find my online backup bucket with Wasabi and the test connection works great. But for the life of me I can’t map a drive to backup anything beyond the container files.

Once I download Duplicati onto Container Station 3.0, I find: linuxserver/duplicati I install then do the following:


Under ENVIRONMENTS, I’m adding in:

Variable: PUID Value: 1000
Variable: PGID Value: 1000
Variable: TZ Value: Etc/UTC

Finding my absolute file path on Qnap is tricky, but on plex the folder where one of the files is stored is: /share/CE_CACHEDEV1_DATA/SHARED/ This is the folder I want to back up to Wasabi.


-‘add volume’ with Volume: config Container: /share/CE_CACHEDEV1_DATA/SHARED/

  • ‘bind mount host path’ to host: /SHARED container: /source

Once I’m in Duplicati and open the file path - it doesn’t exist.

Any tips? I’m bad at CLI but I could try it if it’s the only option.

I don’t really know how your setup works, but from my knowledge of docker:

If you want your config data to stay, you need to bind the container path /config to either a volume or a host path (bind it to a path if you don’t know how you would access it in a volume). Your current config volume doesn’t make sense to me, it is in the wrong path in the container to be used.

Your source binding will allow access to the files under /SHARED. Is there a reason you left out the first part? There is no way from inside the container to find out the correct path. I would suggest to try /share as a starting point, you can still narrow it down further once you see the structure in duplicati’s file picker.