Problems with the dbase backup

are what I would consider rebuilding the database, so most recent statement below confuses me greatly.

Let me see if I can work out what steps you’re doing here, but I likely need exactly what I asked for initially.

This was said to be database delete and recreate, and a backup warning notification without warning info.

My second request for information got only this, which is roughly the same, and doesn’t give warning info, however it did give interesting hints at retries which weren’t there before. Third request for a step-by-step got only this, providing a third screenshot with a different failure from a delete and recreate. OK, work that, however this then said the past database delete and recreates were not database rebuilds. I’m totally lost.

Database management has image Do you ever run a Recreate, or do you do delete and recreate another way? How does it relate to your backup in sequence? Your last statement seemed to say you don’t rebuild then backup, yet I see talk of recreates and backups.

The latest screenshot is suggesting a delete and repair (rightmost blue button above). Are you doing that?

The documentation below might help you read logs or set up additional logging. Log information is needed:

Viewing the log files of a backup job
Viewing the Duplicati Server Logs.
Creating a new backup job, describing Advanced options such as logging on screen 5 of the backup job.

The last screenshot looks like the repair done as part of a backup didn’t succeed, but I don’t know what the prior history of the database is, because I’m hearing directly conflicting statements on recreate and rebuild.

To have a hope of solving, I also need log details from time of issue, and a better idea of what’s been done.

is where this began (delete+redo should work, but obviously can’t be done a lot), but it’s wandered all over.
Synology backups fail after upgrade to was a past issue. Are we continuing it here? Looks similar, and current topic has canary screenshots. What version is it? Canary breakage is harder, yet important…
