Will you ever add pCloud to your natively supported Cloud Storage Providers?
I know that it may go via WebDAV, but WebDAV is quite unreliable with pCloud.
Will you ever add pCloud to your natively supported Cloud Storage Providers?
I know that it may go via WebDAV, but WebDAV is quite unreliable with pCloud.
I was not aware of it before, but it looks like a nice service!
I see that they do not currently offer a .Net API, which would make it simpler to support.
But there seems to be good pCloud API documentation.
There are many requests for new backend support. This is the one for pCloud, with discussion:
Since I switched to a European server (I am located in Europe) it works quite well for me with WebDAV
Happy to report that there is now a pCloud backend in Duplicati that does not use the WebDAV interface.
For now it is only in the canary build, eagerly awaiting testers:
Any news regarding the pCloud integration?
Thank you!
It is still in the canary build, but is reported stable, so the plan is to get it out with the next stable release.
Release target date for the next stable is not yet set.