No mail report from scheduled jobs even though it works from send-mail/backup through web command line!

@ts678 Today I’ve got Error: TrustFailure (The authentication or decryption has failed. and probably solved it by upgrading the Qmono package from v4.xxxx to v5.14.0.177 on the NAS due to inspiration from this thread Problem with OneDrive on Synology NAS. I am not sure the ca-certificates.crt is up to date yet and I need to dig more into it to find out. I still receive the The option --accept-any-ssl-certificate is not supported because the module Configure http requests (http-options) is not currently loaded when executing the “send-mail” (but not “backup”) from UI command line AND I still receive email reports only here. Run now on the same job does not send any email report… I have attached the “true” log file for all three runs. Log (14.3 KB)
My UI command line settings for the job are:

--send-mail-from="Duplicati Backup <>"
--send-mail-subject="%PARSEDRESULT% - %backup-name% - Duplicati %OPERATIONNAME% report"
--send-mail-to="... <>"

For now, I can tell:
@ts678 Double quotes were not in the original copied text (if they were, please describe how they got there).
I have done some trial and error on adding double quotes except until it caused errors. I experienced that some disappears when page is reloaded. I don’t suspect those to cause any troubles but I can be wrong.


“My static configuration” is from MENU → Settings → Default options box, after clicking “Edit as list”
“My command line configuration” is from job’s Commandline Advanced options box with “Edit as text”.
Run “backup” command now button sends email.
Same job run on scheduler does not.send email.

And the answers are 4x yes!
