I have been using Duplicati a long time to backup my Next Cloud.
Duplicati is installed on the same host as Next Cloud so therefore I use the reverse proxy functionality of NGINX with a subdirectory (also the web server for Next Cloud) to reach the web interface of Duplicati and protect it with the same certificate as Next Cloud.
Now that I have updated to the reverse proxy does not work anymore - did use it before without password authentication - and I tried many different configurations for NGINX.
I also configured a password with the necessary steps so I does work like this:
My old NGINX config working with version 2.0.x of Duplicati looks like this:
First things first:
Duplicati is installed on Debian 12 without a GUI (headless server).
I added your two lines (tried something like this a few days ago after I “consulted” ChatGPT), but I am still stuck in a loop showing a message window with Duplicati in the background:
Connection lost: Connection to server was rejected due to invalid authentication.
Log in again, or re-open the page from the TrayIcon (if applicable)
Buttons: Help, Log in, and Reload
When I press reload or login, same message and screen appears in Chrome, in Safari I get to the login (pressing the login button), but after logging in getting back in the loop again.
I paste my complete nginx conf here for more information:
sorry for taking so many days to answer but my youngest got an op last Friday.
I check the output in the developer tools and got this:
Refused to apply style from ‘https://next.cloud/backup/ngax/styles/dark.css’ because its MIME type (‘text/html’) is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.
I am thinking something else is being served here? The MIME type is always set by the Duplicati server. Could this be a text document? Error page or similar?
I can see from the config that there are is some extra configuration in the file that mentions .css files with a try_files command.
That is the correct path. I asked ChatGPT for a fix, and it suggest that you need a URL rewrite to map /backup/ngax/... to /ngax/...:
Thank you so much for trying to help me.
I gave it a shot, but when I try https://next.cloud/backup I am redirected to https://next.cloud/backup/ngax/index.html and I get the “Connection lost” - with “Help”, “Log in”, and “Reload”. “Reload” loads the same screen and “Log in” redirects to https://next.cloud/login (no backup directory…). That results in a page not found from Next Cloud. When I enter https://next.cloud/backup/login then I reach the login screen, but after entering my credentials get to the “Connection lost” again…
And developer mode shows: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 () /backup/api/v1/auth/refresh:1