I’ve bought a new pc where I have copied all my data folders from my previous one.
Which is the correct procedure to move duplicati archives in order to continue running the existing backup jobs?
Thank you.
Migration to new PC - faq wanted (or some part of that topic) might fit, but installations do vary.
Service installs are hard to get to. The method moves Duplicati info. Where are your archives?
Typically they’re not on the same PC. If they’re remote you might not even need to move them.
EDIT: and if “copied all my data folders” includes Duplicati’s info in your AppData, you’re all set.
Thank you. I’ve copied all the folder %localappdata%\Duplicati
but maybe I’ve done something wrong because I get
ErrorID: DatabaseVersionNotSupportedError
The database has version 11 but the largest supported version is 10.
I get it.
On my previous pc I have Duplicati Canary. When I donwloaded Duplicati again from its site to install it on the new pc, it was the Beta build. I didn’t realized it immediately, since it was the only one donwload.
Now I have installed the Canary build over the Beta build on the new pc, and it runs with no problem.
Apart the backub job that I insisted on to run and repair and that I fear to have corrupted. But in case I will open another thread.
Thank you for your patience.