More than one backup in destination folder

Unfortunately I have files from more than one backup in the same destination folder. I would like to tell which *.aes-file belongs to which backup.
Most current backups have been done with, but older ones may have been done with older versions, maybe even 1.x.
I reckon if I still had the configuration of those old backups, it would be possible, but unfortunately they’re gone.
My goal is either to see whether these old backup files contan something I might still need or at least free up some space.
What are my options?


I won’t try to address that at all, but Duplicati 2 should have given many complaints if you had two backups at the same destination without using prefix option to keep them apart. Generally they will complain about extra files, as each backup would see files from the other that it doesn’t recognize.

Are the files encrypted? If so, do you know the password? If you can get in, you can easily get file information (in a not-meant-for-humans format) from a file with dlist in the name. Will that help?

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Thank you!
If I understand this correctly, all *.aes-files currently in my destination folder are (almost, completely?) sure to belong to the same backup? So no worries, and look for files from other/older/different backups somewhere else?

Unless prefix differs, or you combined them after retiring Duplicati 2, that should be correct.

You could certainly look to see what’s in them with Direct restore from backup files of folder.

I don’t know the goal. At one time you wanted to see backup content. I suggested two ways.
If you go with a direct dlist open, look in filelist.json, and maybe import to spreadsheet.

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How did you conclude that BTW? If from different dlist dates, those are the versions
which share the data in the dblock and dindex files. Any other names are suspect…

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Not from dlist dates. It’s an older guess, I don’t remember. I just want to solve those problems that I have observed quite some time ago, but didn’t address since, but from your information I cinclude I’ve started from scratch with the backup, and have to look for those remaining of old backups somewhere else.
Thanks, your input helped a lot to understand.

The 1.x line did not use the same naming scheme so they should be clearly different in the filenames. IIRC, those files had names like diff-*.zip.aes or full-*.zip.aes.

If the filenames are in the dindex, dblock, or dlist, then they are from 2.x, and as @ts678 points out, you can only have multiple backups in the same folder if they have different prefixes (not recommended).

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Thanks to both respondents!

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