I’ve been stymied trying to repair this backup that was interrupted nearly halfway through. Repair consistently flags two dblock files that are missing 511 blocks each but no fileset id’s (as seen below):
Repair cannot acquire 511 required blocks for volume duplicati-be27ecf833ff248f78182f2b9fedbeaf3.dblock.zip.aes, which are required by the following filesets:
This may be fixed by deleting the filesets and running repair again
Failed to perform cleanup for missing file: duplicati-be27ecf833ff248f78182f2b9fedbeaf3.dblock.zip.aes, message: Repair not possible, missing 511 blocks.
If you want to continue working with the database, you can use the "list-broken-files" and "purge-broken-files" commands to purge the missing data from the database and the remote storage. => Repair not possible, missing 511 blocks.
If you want to continue working with the database, you can use the "list-broken-files" and "purge-broken-files" commands to purge the missing data from the database and the remote storage.
I suspect the lack of a fileset id is what makes the subsequent commands, list-broken-files, purge-broken-files and affected less than useful:
2017-10-30 05:13:07Z - Information: No broken filesets found in database, checking for missing remote files
2017-10-30 05:13:07Z - Information: Backend event: List - Started: ()
2017-10-30 05:13:30Z - Information: Backend event: List - Completed: (3.65 KB)
2017-10-30 05:13:30Z - Information: Marked 2 remote files for deletion
2017-10-30 05:13:33Z - Information: No broken filesets found
Is the lack of a numeric fileset id expected in this situation? Thanks.
Initial backup to pCloud used WEBDAV but I migrated the config to a local OSXFUSE instance since it seems more robust.
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