When I use my valid credentials (login without @mail suffix) (also provided using the ‘Advanced Options’ plugins for mega), I keep getting the following error message:
Failed to connect: API response: BadArguments
If I use my email as login I get the following message:
Failed to connect: API response: -26
If I use ‘Edit as text’ from the ‘Advanced options’ and put my password inside the quotes (“[mypassword]”) then I get the following response:
Failed to connect: API response: ResourceNotExists
If I do not use quotes and use wrong password I get same message as above (Resource…). Which would mean, the “Failed to connect: API response: -26” should be the most important/meaningful one.
Unicode is not supported #96
however this sounds like it was fixed in library 1.6.3. If you have Duplicati, I think you already have it, however if you’re on the previous beta you don’t. And it might not be this same problem in any case.
My version of Duplicati -
My account is…3+years old + I have subscribed for 12mo plan with mega.
No, my password doesnt contain unicode characters.
--auth-password (Password)
Supplies the password used to connect to the server.
The password used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_PASSWORD.
--auth-username (String)
Supplies the username used to connect to the server.
The username used to connect to the server. This may also be supplied as the environment variable AUTH_USERNAME.
I don’t have or know Mega, but it looks like it uses username and password (not OAUTH), but maybe those are the same as what you would get by supplying the Username and Password fields in the GUI. You could test, for example using the GUI Commandline option for your job to see if your Target URL contains those.
There has been some question for OneDrive about whether authentication information should be attached onto the URL or supplied separately or both, and how they interact. Possibly Mega can have similar issues.
As for the 2FA question, Duplicati is subject to what the library can do, and I see you’ve already asked them. but the answer sounded to me like it’s not there yet. I doubt they can answer the question about Duplicati… MegaApiClient’s documentation, and maybe you can spot another interpretation for those settings. I did not.