Issues to address to get out of beta

“Blockers” is ambiguous. I proposed two “blockers” as in “suggest-waiting-for-fix”. Any others? Where is:

Fix pausing and stopping after upload #3712

Stopping immediately also works but due to issues of corrupting the database when aborting, the stop now button has been removed until the corruption issues are fixed.

Fix ‘stop after current file’ #3836 is being actively worked, I don’t know if its impact is as bad as above one.

Anybody else have nominations for fixes that you really want to fit in next release? If so, please describe it.

If you mean non-code “blockers” from process viewpoint, we can use more thoughts. I gave one person’s, and his “anything meaningful” part is what I hope one can view by seeing closed items on some milestone. Such items would have been largely pre-chosen as worthy of planning, thus likely worthy of a release note.

In addition to Pectojin Discussion: release cycle, here’s my view from Release: (beta) 2019-07-14: