Is it possible to run a backup job on demand only? Not on schedule?

Is it possible to run a backup job on demand only using a short link on desktop or a cmd command? Thank you.

First part: Just remove this check
and save your job. Result: The job will never run!

Second part: Go to Configuration Export - Export as Command line
you get the command. You can now save this command in a cmd-File or on linux a sh-FIle and execute.

Keep in mind: The password / apikey would be in this script!


You can also run a job from the CLI using my Duplicati Client :slight_smile:


If one never plans on using the GUI again, I assume the job could be deleted from the GUI if:

  • the “Delete the local database” checkbox is UN-CHECKED
  • the “Delete n files (n MB) from the remote storage” (if shown) is UN-CHECKED
  • you never want to edit the job in the GUI again (if you do, be sure to export it to a file so it can be re-imported later)