Is it possible to remove the word "duplicati" in the name of the backup archives using the settings?

Is it possible to remove the word “duplicati” in the name of the backup archives using the settings?


if you have an existing backup, it’s not possible to change it.
If you start a new backup, you can pick a new one as wanted.

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Maybe I didn’t phrase my question clearly.
(We are talking about creating a new task).


Thank you! Understood.

Is there a way to change the prefix after creating and saving a backup? (In this case, I get an error about the prefix).

The first time this was asked, it asked

and got a “no”, but if you now ask “using any means”, probably, but it would be so difficult that a new procedure would have to be devised. One possibility might be to rename destination files, edit every dindex file vol subfolder file to match the new prefix for its associated dblock, then Recreate the DB.

Is there some technical problem that needs repeated prefix changes? Maybe there’s another answer.

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