Incorrect Free Space Warnings

The problem with that plan is the root cause doesn’t get fixed until someone figures it out.
Reading the size from the wrong partition got fixed, but quota-disable still doesn’t work.
Or at least it doesn’t stop that warning on the latest Canary release, so it deserved a look.
My guess about the code change that broke the quota-disable workaround was posted:

Duplicati Warning - BackendQuotaNear

Test used Linux with a 1 MB tmpfs filesystem, and a file made using dd and /dev/urandom.
When a Warning began, I tried quota-disable=true and quota-size=1TB. What worked was

  --quota-warning-threshold (Integer): Threshold for warning about low quota
    Set a threshold for when to warn about the backend quota being nearly exceeded. It is given as a percentage, and a warning is generated if the amount of available quota is less than this percentage of
    the total backup size. If the backend does not report the quota information, this value will be ignored.
    * default value: 10

where math sounds like warning would need an available quota of less than zero to go off.