Implementing the feature to restore any version of a single file

There is an unlikely potential for version collision if you go to minutes. Might be fine to view but

might be an actual filesystem problem on a name collision. I suggest you check the behavior of
overwrite option (also in GUI buttons) does. I forget exact behavior, localized time handling, etc.

This seems like it could help solve requests like:

Open File from History/See File Content
Can I browse files in larger backups without having to restore the whole thing?

version option claims to allow a syntax where you can say several. I wonder if restore can do it?


Help text says:

    Restore files that are older than the specified time.
    Restore files from a specific backup.

I recall having had some trouble specifying by time (might be user error). The help text for that is

Duplicati supports absolute and relative dates and times:

  now --> The current time

  1234567890 --> A timestamp, seconds since 1970.

  "2009-03-26T08:30:00+01:00" --> An absolute date and time. You can also use
  the local date and time format of your system like e.g. "01-14-2000" or "01
  jan. 2004".

  Y, M, D, W, h, m, s --> Relative date and time: year, month, day, week,
  hour, minute, second. Example: 2M10D5h is now + 2 months + 10 days + 5

and I mention it here because time seems somewhat in the neighborhood of what you’re making.