Ignore locked files

I am on the side of @shalmirane . The Warning Messages could be very annoying.

My problem is, that I want to backup the files of my colleagues. They have a PC with a windows account, and I have an Admin Account. They get automatically a network drive, if they use their domain-login. I want to make their backup silent in the background to this personal-network drive. If an error or a warning occurs, Duplicati should send me an E-mail.

The problem is, that it depends on the installation type, that rather I have the users password in plain text, or the user will be boarded by Warnings, if a file is opened.

Local Installation:

  • pro: the network drive of the user can be accessed automatically, without giving duplicati the users password.
  • con: I could not find any solution, to disable the warning popup for the user, when an attempt is made to backup an open file.


  • pro: The warnings for opened files are not there any more (thanks to snapshot-policy).
  • con: I could not write to the network drive, without using the users password in plain text. So I could acces the users password, which I don’t want (as this is a very important password for other services too).

So it would be good to have an “exclude-locked-windows-files” option, to keep the crying wolf silent. Then I could use a local installation, and the users and I get only messages, if a real problem occurs.

==> My problem as an own topic and in more detail here: Backup to auto-mounted network-drive (domain-accounts) without getting user PW & without Warning-Message for opened files (sry for the long title)