If first run of a new backup job stops at 90%

I have a new backup job that is around 4TB to offsite.

The first time I run this job I stop it after a few days when about 80% done. When I restart the job, even though 2-3TB has been uploaded the job starts uploading from scratch as nothing was uploaded at all. If I stop this second run at 95% and later restart this will also start uploading as if the target was completely empty.

I’m just wondering if this is the correct intended behaviour?

Thanks to all involved for this very nice software!

Does After interrupted backup, Duplicati wants to start re-uploading everything! and its links fit your situation?

Thanks for the reply!

Yeah that might be right. I was probably a bit optimsitic saying it reached 80% after a few days on the initial run, it took more days than that. So when restarting the job and it running maxed out reaching 70-80% after a couple of days it might be it 's “just” doing the re-echecks kenken describes.
