How to use ConfigurationImporter.exe on linux

I’m attempting to import a configuration via the command line tools on Ubuntu. The documentation gives instructions on how to run the ConfigurationImporter.exe tool, but the instructions given appear to be for Windows. How would I run the ConfigurationImporter tool on Linux.

Sample command from manual

ConfigurationImporter.exe C:\backup-config.json --import-metadata=false --server-datafolder=


On Linux you can run the ‘exe’ files by using mono:

$ mono ConfigurationImporter.exe ....

Tried that and get this error

Cannot open assembly 'ConfigurationImporter.exe': No such file or directory.

Seems like I need to point it to the path where ConfigurationImporter.exe is located but I can’t seem to locate that.

Try Duplicati.CommandLine.ConfigurationImporter.exe

It looks like Duplicati.CommandLine.ConfigurationImporter.exe manual example gave the short name, probably thrown off by the program itself using the short name, likely due to nameof working that way.

the produced name is not fully qualified.

$ mono Duplicati.CommandLine.ConfigurationImporter.exe
Unhandled Exception:
System.ArgumentException: Incorrect number of input arguments.  Usage: ConfigurationImporter.exe <configuration-file> --import-metadata=(true | false) --server-datafolder=<folder containing Duplicati-server.sqlite>
  at Duplicati.CommandLine.ConfigurationImporter.ConfigurationImporter.Main (System.String[] args) [0x0001b] in <d088263afbc744c4b03d1a66813c5da0>:0 
[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.ArgumentException: Incorrect number of input arguments.  Usage: ConfigurationImporter.exe <configuration-file> --import-metadata=(true | false) --server-datafolder=<folder containing Duplicati-server.sqlite>
  at Duplicati.CommandLine.ConfigurationImporter.ConfigurationImporter.Main (System.String[] args) [0x0001b] in <d088263afbc744c4b03d1a66813c5da0>:0 

Looks to me like this deserves an Issue about the program mis-identifying itself, regardless of cause.