How to see full list of errors and warnings?

I completed an initial backup run for ~160GB of data. When the backup completed, there were 274 warnings reported. However, when I open the log within the GUI, the list of warnings is truncated after 5 entries, i.e. it shows (slightly simplified output):

Warnings: [
    2019-05-21 23:46:12 +02 - Error reported while accessing file
    2019-05-21 23:46:12 +02 - Error reported while accessing file
    2019-05-21 23:46:12 +02 - Error reported while accessing file
    2019-05-21 23:46:12 +02 - Error reported while accessing file
    2019-05-21 23:46:12 +02 - Error reported while accessing file
Errors: []

That “…” above is hiding the rest of the warnings. How can I see the full list?

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Hello @jim024536 and welcome to the forum!

I’m not sure if you can get the others at this point, after the backup is already done (maybe someone else will know of a way), but even if you could see more of these little one-line summary notes, the challenge I often see is that they aren’t very specific about what happened – because later information got squeezed away. Do you have that problem with these 5 entries or are they fully meaningful and you’d just like more?

One pretty sure way to collect a better list is to use a –log-file Advanced option, and you don’t even need to set –log-file-log-level because the default level should log warnings and anything more severe, for example errors. From what you posted, I wonder if you’re having either permissions or locked file access problems.

–snapshot-policy can help with locked files, especially on Windows and if you have Administrator privilege. Permissions can often be resolved by installing or migrating to a Windows service or a privileged account.

Hi @ts678, thanks for the response!

I think if I just had all the lines, it would be fine. I am running into file access warnings because I’m backing up C:\Users, so I do expect some issues. I already have a long list of exclusions and planned to add more for each warning (often a single directory exclusion can eliminate many individual file warnings).

I added the log-file option and was able to see all of the warnings. Thanks a lot! :grinning:

I did look into the snapshot-policy before but it seemed kind of tricky to set up. Will perhaps spend some more time looking into it in the future.