How to get Debian Duplicati Tray Icon?

It sounds correct for a goal of a service backing up in the background, plus a tray icon after Linux login.

This, though, sounds like a Duplicati login. Did you set a Duplicati password from the Settings screen?
How important is that? It interferes with Tray Icon getting in, though I usually see it fail in a different way.

How about taking an inventory of what’s running on the port, and what Linux user they’re running as, e.g.

# lsof -i :8200
firefox   3736 me    105u  IPv4  71491      0t0  TCP localhost:36230->localhost:8200 (ESTABLISHED)
mono-sgen 4156 root    9u  IPv4  71405      0t0  TCP localhost:8200 (LISTEN)
mono-sgen 4156 root   14u  IPv4  71493      0t0  TCP localhost:8200->localhost:36230 (ESTABLISHED)

and repeat for 8300. The LISTEN allows a connect. You can see my browser ESTABLISHED its session.
In the setup I have in mind, your start-at-boot Duplicati would be on 8200, as root. 8300 is no longer used.

# systemctl status duplicati
● duplicati.service - Duplicati web-server
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/duplicati.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2021-02-23 19:40:27 EST; 35min ago
 Main PID: 4152 (mono)
    Tasks: 15 (limit: 2296)
   CGroup: /system.slice/duplicati.service
           ├─4152 DuplicatiServer /usr/lib/duplicati/Duplicati.Server.exe
           └─4156 /usr/bin/mono-sgen /usr/lib/duplicati/Duplicati.Server.exe

So there you see PID 4156 again. Duplicati processes often come in pairs, with the child doing the work.

I don’t generally run either a service or Duplicati on Linux, but what I get now is that I right-click Tray Icon then choose Open from its menu. That doesn’t seem able to open the browser, but will open Duplicati in browser that’s already opened. This is possibly subject to some system setting that I’m not familiar with.

I think the intent was for Tray Icon to get the server password out of the server database, but file system permissions get in the way unless you reduce them. Again, if you have a password, can you do without?


If you have a password but can do without, then you can edit as root /etc/default/duplicati with this option:


and then (as root) systemctl restart duplicati. Then as you, try duplicati --no-hosted-server.
If that seems to hold, open a browser and try the Tray Icon right-click and Open, to see if you get Duplicati.


Or if the password is important, but you don’t mind it being somewhat exposed on shell and process info:

$ duplicati --no-hosted-server --webserver-password=password

seems to work with server password. Basically, you tell Tray Icon what it needs to know to get in, and not

$ duplicati --no-hosted-server
Request error: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (401) Not logged in.