How to configure a backup to One Drive for Business?


I try to configure a backup to One Drive for Business, but without success.
Somewhere in the forum (don’t have the link now) I found that you should use “Microsoft One Drive v2” as “Speichertyp”.

For “Microsoft One Drive for Business” I had to enter “Server und Port” ( as well as “Pfad auf Server” (/personal/ZZZusernameZZZ/Documents/ZZZfolderZZZ).

For “Microsoft One Drive v2” there is only “Pfad auf Server” to be entered. I tried to enter there what I entered for “Microsoft One Drive for Business” (without the server). Then I had to generate an AuthId, which did not work. I got an E-Mail from Microsoft which acknoledges my request, but I don’t think this is what should happen.

Can someone tell me what to enter and what happens if this AuthId process works?


What happened? How did that show that it did not work?

Enter nothing. It should be filled in automatically after you authenticated with Microsoft.
What (if anything) is there? I found a YouTube video showing how it looks with Google:

Backing Up Home Assistant Container to Google Drive with Duplicati

Microsoft OneDrive v2 (Microsoft Graph API)
provides a link if somehow the automatic fill isn’t working, and you need to do manually.

When you get the AuthID set, saved, etc, Test connection, backup, etc. should work.

I don’t have OneDrive for Business, so I can’t assist much if there’s anything deep here.

Thanks, I understand. Then I asked the infrastructure team of my company and finally got an answer. They would have to allow Duplicati to access One Drive, but they won’t do it :frowning: