Gzip is unusable on zip-compression-method

I’m using Duplicati -
On the zip-compression-method option, I can’t use the Gzip.
Am I misconfigured something? It makes an error like below.

Fatal error
SharpCompress.Common.InvalidFormatException: Invalid compression method: GZip

at SharpCompress.Writers.Zip.ZipWriter.ToZipCompressionMethod(CompressionType compressionType)

at SharpCompress.Writers.Zip.ZipWriter.WriteToStream(String entryPath, ZipWriterEntryOptions options)

at Duplicati.Library.Compression.FileArchiveZip.CreateFile(String file, CompressionHint hint, DateTime lastWrite)

at Duplicati.Library.Main.Volumes.VolumeWriterBase.AddManifestfile()

at Duplicati.Library.Main.Volumes.VolumeWriterBase…ctor(Options options, DateTime timestamp)

at Duplicati.Library.Main.Volumes.FilesetVolumeWriter…ctor(Options options, DateTime timestamp)

at Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.BackupHandler.Run(String[] sources, IFilter filter)

It seems that SharpCompress does not support all the possible compression methods:

I have updated the code to only report the supported methods; it will be part of the next canary build.

Thanks for your great work and support! :slight_smile:

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