Getting started: setup and destination issues

I have experimented with the CIFS method and was successful in mounting a SAMBA share and the USB NAS drive attached to my Netgear router. Both then worked with Duplicati :slight_smile: …RDK


I’m never 100 % happy ;-(

Is it possible to have a source folder/path with is not local to this computer. I can access one of my remote Pi using SFTP as a DESTINATION but so far I can’t figure out how to create a path folder to use this Pi as a source. Any ideas?..RDK

Is this a remote Pi source going to a local Duplicati on Linux? If so, that will likely be harder and slower.
Duplicati should generally be on the computer it’s backing up, as this enables a fast scan for changes.
Getting GUI access to a remote computer is easier than giving a remote filesystem to a local Duplicati.

I understand, but is it possible and then how?..RDK

If it’s nearby on a local network, just set up Samba. NFS might work and I think does distance better.
There might be partitioning issues depending on how much of the remote system you want to reach.
If somehow all the access you have is SFTP (which is encrypted), you could try using rclone mount.

I’ll give it some time later this week…RDK

What Ports Does NFS Use shows NFS version 4 is probably more firewall-friendly, if that’s a concern.
Several citations suggest using it with TCP if this is going far remote, e.g. a WAN (wide area network).
Going over the Internet (if this is happening) also calls for an encrypted protocol or transport over VPN.

Linux Network File System Comparison looks like a nice writeup of options to fit different use cases.

Note the rclone mount page says this, which will affect at least restore. Test that whichever way you go.

Without the use of --vfs-cache-mode this can only write files sequentially, it can only seek when reading.

Thanks for all of your work and references, but I think I’ll take your advice and not try to do any backup/restore jobs over the Internet. It is not difficult to install another copy of Duplicati at that remote site and use SSH for do the work. Thanks again and I’ll add rclone to the list of things to study…RDK