Free SMTP - Gmail alternative

Hello all,
I’ve already noticed about Gmail new policy:
Less secure apps & your Google Account - Google Account Help
To help keep your account secure, starting May 30, 2022 , ​​Google will no longer support the use of third-party apps or devices which ask you to sign in to your Google Account using only your username and password”

Now time is quite over and I’ve looking for an a valid alternative.

I’m Italy based and first of all I’ve not a domain with smtp suitable, secondly I’ve do a test to setup big provider ( - Libero - Tim and some others) but seems to not a valid choice because mail go to spam nor any time really reachable at all.
I have only one istance of Duplicati and my needs are a very few mail per day but I’ve discovered that is mainly focused to commercial campaign but they have a free plan to send 300 mail per day.
IS less than a week that I’ve modified Duplicati config and that provider works very well, if you not ha ve an alternative consider to use it.
Hope this helps

Andrea Milanese


Hello and welcome.

I have been using “sendinblue” for my Duplicati email notifications for over a year now. Works great, and the free plan is more than sufficient.

Did you happen to test if the App Password that Google mentions works?
It might need 2-Step Verification, but Google has been pushing that out

My idea was to looking for a “definetively” solution (set and forget), because of that I’ve not deep dive onto G (2 step verification, etc): also as drwtsn32 wroted sendinblue it just works.

I use libero mail: I use it as smtp server for any my equipment (services over raspberry, NAS, duplicati laptop&pc…). I create a random and nonsense username. I must pay attention only to download the mailbox sometimes - I configure thunderbird in order to download automatically the mailbox. NO spam, only the advertisement - you can create a filter to delete these mail automatically.

PS: I hope, for a near future, duplicati will be more popular in italy :it: :grinning:

Hello xblitz,
In last years sometime I’ve used Libero SMTP as like as Tiscali SMTP but real goal-change was switch to Google SMTP bccause I’ve met some problems like providerr’s server configuration changes or policy changes or sometime SPAM marking or other issues.
Drivers for switching I’ve considered:
. “Solid” infrastructure (compared to free alternatives);
. Set it and forget it way.

At this moment – very few weeks from starting – I’m very happy with this choiche.


Any chance I could get some instructions on how to use sendinblue with Duplicati? I’ve created an account, created an SMTP key. Just getting a handshake failed message. Note, I don’t have a domain to use.

Just want to send some backup emails from 5 machines to my gmail account.

It’s been a while since I set this up, but in the SMTP & API section of sendinblue, SMTP tab, it should show you the needed info. Here is mine:

Duplicati’s “send-mail-username” corresponds to sendinblue’s “Login”. And Duplicati’s “send-mail-password” corresponds to the sendinblue SMTP key master password.

Hope this helps!

Excellent, thanks for the detailed post and super fast response. All working now.
–send-mail-subject=client-name %OPERATIONNAME% report: %backup-name% %PARSEDRESULT%

I’ve been experimenting with email solutions too, and finding a good SMTP option can definitely save you a lot of hassle. I previously tried Gmail’s SMTP for a while, but the restrictions started to get frustrating over time, especially with limits and verification issues for larger-scale use. Right now, I’m leaning more toward self-hosted options when possible. It’s not as convenient as third-party platforms, but I like the control it offers.

If you’re also exploring platforms like Quora for marketing or information sharing, you could look into options to buy aged Quora accounts. Sometimes having an established account can give a head start in reaching wider audiences.