Found 2 commands but expected 1 error during Repair

This isn’t anything critical - I’m just playing around with learning Duplicati and thought I’d try running a repair command (via the GUI) on an existing small test Webdav backup and ended up getting the following message:

Found 2 commands but expected 1, commands: 
Return code: 200

I tried again with an SSH based one and got basically the same message:

Found 2 commands but expected 1, commands: 
Return code: 200

Is this a bug or am I not understanding the message correctly?

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The repair command only has one argument, the remote destination.

You can try something like:

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help repair

Your command should look like:

Duplicati.CommandLine.exe repair --dbpath="C:\localdb.sqlite" "webdavs://" 


I think it’s a bug in GUI.
I have found a workaround for it.
Start to the command line from GUI, select repair command and remove value from CommandLine argument. Just make it clean.


Thanks! It looks like different commands are happier with the extra parameters than others. :slight_smile:

The problem here is that the UI is set up to run the backup command. When you choose another command, it just keeps everything “as-is”, which is perhaps not the most logical thing to do, as it is very likely to not work.

Yeah, I usually end up removing everything and even editing advanced parameters as text and deleting everything except the ones I want.

Do you have a good idea for how we can fix this? Maybe have separate fields for the source folders, so they are ignore when not doing a backup?

Thank you. That workaround also works for me!