Filters: Include Files not working as expected

@FoxWMulder I didn’t realize this myself until now but here is what you need to do.

Lets say I want to backup all the .pdf and .blend files on my Desktop.

So I’ll create a new job (or edit an existing on) in Step 3 select the folder that contains the files I want to backup so I’d put a checkmark beside “Desktop”. Next click on Filters then on “Add filter”, select “Include expression” now in the box that has the * in it type add .blend, the text box should now read *.blend. Repeat the last process to add another filter right up to the last step where I’d put *.PDF in the text box. Save the job and the next time the job runs it will only backup the .blend and .pdf files from the Desktop.

EDIT: Removed note about a uppercase/lowercase issue that probably never existed.

From my quick testing you can’t do a compound wildcard with an “Include expression”, so *over.jpg isn’t going to work. Now if you know (want to fight with…) Regex you can probably make an expression that will work with an “Include regular expression” filter.

I’ll look into getting a regex expression put together in the next few days and post back once it’s ready.