Files missing on remote storage, repair fails - Assistance on how to fix this

Hello Team,

I’ve recently installed Duplicati -
My O/S is a Windows 7 64 bit virtual machine.
I’m backing up through Webdav to a NextCloud server. I’ve confirmed through Duplicati that Webdav works and when I create my backup job Duplicati successfully creates the folder on my NextCloud for backup.

I’ve created a very simple test whereby I’m uploading one small text file from my local Windows C: drive location and through duplicati saving this to my Nextcloud. The job runs for a a few seconds and then fails with the following errror:

Found 3 files that are missing from the remote storage, please run repair

Looking at my Duplicati Remote Log I see the following:
Jan 2, 2019 5:55 PM: put
Jan 2, 2019 5:55 PM: put
Jan 2, 2019 5:55 PM: put

I then looked at my NextCloud in the folder I’m backing up too and I find the following 3 files:

Duplicati gives me the option to Repair so I select ‘Repair’ but again Duplicati says it failed with the message:
The backup storage destination is missing data files. You can either enable --rebuild-missing-dblock-files or run the purge command to remove these files. The following files are missing:

I’m not sure what’s going on here because I’ve verified that this file is on my NextCloud in the folder I’m sending my backups too? Why is this database or Duplicati not finding these files and reporting them missing? is there a way to fix this?

Thanks in advance for any help this forum can provide me.

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Does the job’s main screen “Backup” count or its “Restore files” dropdown show any signs of a backup? Alternatively, is 5:55 PM the one time a backup was tried? If so, it seems it doesn’t see its own backup…

Possibly this is a NextCloud issue, but it would be worth getting an independent remote opinion, e.g. with WinSCP or Windows Explorer (assuming your “then looked at my NextCloud” was done some other way). Looking with Duplicati.CommandLine.BackendTool.exe is possible too. Get URL from job’s Commandline.

Hello @ts678 and thank you for this reply.

I’ve tried the backup multiple times. The last time was at 5:55 PM.
I’ve tried restoring the files from this Backup but the dropdown is empty and does not find a backup to restore from.
I’ve logged into the Web Interface of NextCloud. I can see the files in the NextCloud folder I’ve designated in Duplicati for the backup. But for some reason Duplicati cannot see these 3 files.

I’ve not tried using any other method of backup as Webdav is my preferred method seeing as it was in the Duplicati dropdown. I will see if I can use another method to place a backup into NextCloud from Duplicati…but my preffered method will be webdav.

I’ve not used the commandline method from Duplicati to confirm files. Could you elaborate on how I issue a command from Duplicati to confirm these files are on my NextCloud?

Thank you.

Example with a file:// URL from going to the Commandline menu option for a job, getting Target URL, and in this case (because it ended with backslash), doubling backslash to keep it from backslashing closing quote.

C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2>Duplicati.CommandLine.BackendTool.exe help
Usage: <command> <protocol>://<username>:<password>@<path> [filename]
Example: LIST ftp://user:pass@server/folder

Supported backends: aftp,amzcd,azure,b2,box,cloudfiles,dropbox,file,ftp,googledrive,gcs,hubic,jottacloud,mega,msgroup,onedrive,onedrivev2,sharepoint,openstack,rclone,s3,od4b,mssp,sia,ssh,tahoe,webdav

C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2>Duplicati.CommandLine.BackendTool.exe list "file://C:\Duplicati Backups\local test length1\\"
Name    Dir/File        LastChange      Size    File    12/4/2018 3:22:11 PM    526 bytes    File    12/5/2018 11:03:59 AM   713 bytes  File    12/4/2018 3:22:10 PM    671 bytes  File    12/5/2018 11:03:59 AM   273.68 KB  File    12/4/2018 3:22:11 PM    608 bytes  File    12/5/2018 11:03:59 AM   1.38 KB
duplicati-verification.json     File    1/2/2019 1:05:53 PM     1.14 KB

C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2>

Yours would be a webdav:// URL, and I hope authentication information is a part of it, or this will get harder… Should you find this tool can see them, I’m not sure why Duplicati can’t. I’d expect there’s some shared code. Should you find this tool cannot see them, then perhaps an opinion from one of the other tools will be useful.

I, too have frustration with the commandline and webdav. there is no indication where or how to put authorized username and password. I’ve tried --auth-username=xyz --auth-password=xyz and it looks like it will work, until it errors with database does not exist, with a randomly generated sqlite name.

If I run the commandline from the GUI, changing the command to list-broken-files and clearing all fields except the URL, it lists the running task as “starting backup” and a single Running line with a ‘stop now’ after it.

It appears hung, as there has been no taskmgr activity in either CPU, Disk, or Network for 5 minutes or more but i will let it run and move on to other things.

I’m a noob with nextcloud and webdav, but have 20 years of linux admin behind me.

Here’s an example:
C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2>duplicati.commandline test webdav://{my ddns url}/remote.php/dav/files/solo.customer --auth-username=xyz --auth-password=xyz2

Enter encryption passphrase: pgpgpgpg

ErrorID: DatabaseDoesNotExist
Database file does not exist: C:\Users{custname}\AppData\Local\Duplicati\CGXDEAMYTK.sqlite

C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2>

How is that database name determined?

Does copying Target URL from GUI Commandline work? You’ll need to quote it appropriately for shell. Quoting is done for you (and other options supplied), if you use Export As Command-line from GUI job.
This will also copy the database path, which is essential if you want true CLI and GUI to work together. They’re designed to be runnable separately. To integrate, you need to use same options, so do Export. This will also take care of the presumably annoying need to enter the encryption passphrase manually.

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Well THAT was easy! Certainly would never have figured out the options etc. from any other documentation I’ve been scouring for days.

New to the forum, don’t know how to mark your answer as the one that solved my problem.