File System Warnings from backup jobs

Based on what experience, evidence, and expertise? You already got the reply from the author.

If you’re going to keep making this claim (also in original post), can you give technical explainer about what exactly you are talking about? Also talk about how some other programs are failing.

Please expand on that, in detail. Who diagnosed this (or is that a personal guess?). Who fixed?
PowerShell is a .NET app. Has anybody ever come up with a reliable repro of issue using that?

A developer level look is best done by developers, preferably the author. This would be easier if someone besides you can get it, otherwise you will have to do a lot of the “look” on your system.

The best I can do (as time allows – this is going in the wrong direction IMO – more on that later) would be to try to learn the Duplicati code design a little better in order to guide you in your tests.

We do not write .NET or Windows or your Windows driver. If the problem is there, a workaround may be possible, and priority depends on the frequency of the problem. This one is rare, but see

for a similar case and my suggested steps. Don’t you have support (likely paid) for your platform?
Talk to them, see if they have ever heard of the problem scenario you have in mind. Original post here guesses at extended file status (which is what), and timing. This all sounds like guesswork…

The first step would be to see if you can find a small test case that shows the problem, ideally with data (or at least paths) that you would be willing to post (if that is an issue). Small reduces log size.

The other reason for a controlled test is you can determine whether or not it’s purely enumeration, or maybe data reading is also needed. The similar topic is currently waiting for work described as:

Replace “Mountain Duck” with whatever support spot you have for problems involving your drive.

There should be status all over the place. I see you posted a GUI screenshot. See the status bar. There is detailed information on the specific job being run on the home page, even the files read.

In GUI, you have the choice of About → Show log → Live → Verbose (or whatever level you like). Logging to a file is much better for big logs. Options log-file=<path> log-file-log-level=verbose etc. Verbose will show paths, which is why I mentioned privacy. You’ll also see timestamps to second, which may be helpful if timeouts are a suspect, but the smoothest flow will be if no data changes.

Channel Pipeline shows the internal flow. Your message shows the spot of the complaint. Seeing Verbose log (especially of known paths that you can describe) may help isolate enumeration fails.

Underneath all that is probably a Windows driver that Process Monitor can watch, but that’s way below the ideal level for Duplicati application workarounds – we can only control the application…