Fedora 40, duplicati, selinux alerts

I just upgraded a Fedora 40 system to duplicati, and I’m getting a lot of selinux alerts. A test backup appears to be progressing nonetheless.

Did I miss an upgrade step? What can I do to quiet these alerts? The setroubleshooter steps don’t seem to be helping…


Backup reported 68610 Warnings. The ones it shows (it doesn’t show all 68610) all appear to be of the form:

2025-01-04 20:33:40 -05 - [Warning-Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.Backup.FileEnumerationProcess-FileAccessError]: Error reported while accessing file: FILE
FileLoadException: Unable to get symlink for “FILE”, error: EACCES (13)

Where “FILE” is a different file for each warning (but the same file within a single warning).

Discusses how new location of executables might impact SELinux, plus maybe a workaround.

Discussion might benefit from more SELinux expertise. If you have it, please post somewhere.

I tried this workaround from the linked thread Issues · duplicati/duplicati · GitHub

semanage fcontext -a -t bin_t '/usr/lib/duplicati/duplicati'
semanage fcontext -a -t bin_t '/usr/lib/duplicati/duplicati-*'
restorecon -r /usr/lib/duplicati/

So far, it doesn’t appear to have made any difference.

Digging through the thread and linked data I also see where another user updated SElinux policies - I will research those and see if they help in my case.

There is a problem with the “semanage” commands I quoted - the wildcard does not work. Here is a corrected version

semanage fcontext -a -t bin_t '/usr/lib/duplicati/duplicati'
for f in /usr/lib/duplicati/duplicati-*
  semanage fcontext -a -t bin_t ${f}
restorecon -r /usr/lib/duplicati/

Using this corrected version appears to have resolved my SElinux issues, with the caveat that I have also added various SElinux policies as well, so at the moment it isn’t clear if the above commands are sufficient by themselves, or if the policies were also needed. I am going to research how to “undo” the SElinux policies and will report back with what I find.

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I was able to remove the custom SElinux policies and perform a backup with no apparent issues.

I will mark my prior post with the corrected “semanage” commands as “the solution”.

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