Feature Request: Multiple Monitoring Clients (End-Points)

Hi all, I would like to request that the ability to add multiple monitoring services is looked at. Simply because a lot of us may now be transitioning over to the Duplicati Inc monitor service, and it would be cool if Duplicati could post the JSON to multiple services.

I see that it is noted that it cannot do this currently. But I could see anyone asking for it in the forum.

Maybe the same advice applies to forum, and I don’t know how some separation will eventually happen.

Regardless, I “think” the response to this feature request is

It is already merged into the master branch. There is a debug build with this, and hopefully soon a canary build as well.

Beware that these new builds are all using .NET8 so quite a few things are slightly different.

Yes, I would say generally:

  • Open-source client is discussed and managed via Github and the forum
  • Portal is managed with support requests or emails

Unfortunately, I think it is hard for users to figure out what destination is the best. To confuse matters more, there has traditionally been mentions of outside projects and products in this forum.

I try to monitor all the channels and reply even if a request is a bit off.

probably gives the syntax, although I think this was announced (without giving much detail on it) as

in, and we’re now at (but there is a constant flow of debug versions coming out).
Typically one wants the latest, but neither debug nor canary are really advisable for production uses.

To those who do not read code, the format is:


The previous method is preserved for backwards compatibility:


To update to the new format, a destination previously using --send-http-format=Duplicati (also the default format) can use --send-http-form-urls.
For a destination that would use --send-http-format=json can now use --send-http-json-urls.
For multi-destinations, both options can be applied and they both support multiple urls separated with semicolons.

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