Failed to connect: Gateway Time-out issue when restoring

Same question – how long, and did dlist file analysis finish before that or was error during downloads?

Do you know how to look at requests and responses with browser web developer tools, commonly F12?

It would be useful to know how far things got. On a similar note, the nginx error log might have some info.
/var/log/nginx/error.log is said to be the standard spot, but it can be moved. Note I don’t run nginx.

How to Fix 500 Internal Server Error in NGINX has some other ideas. Google finds a huge number of hits.

Although I’m not quite sure how nginx fits into the below (is this on Apapche?), the only previous report is:

The below are some people trying to reverse proxy Duplicati. You can see configurations and the issues.

Reverse Proxy on NGINX

Support reverse proxying the WebUI #1932


These are the requests I got starting from Connect, and stopping when it moves off Listing backup dates:

You can see the slow filesets. This is from Edge (Chromium-based), but most browsers have similar.