Failed: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden Google Drive

I’m not certain what you mean. Are you using Docker containers?
I’m also not sure what “building” refers to in the container context.

From an HTTP point of view, a 403 is always from the server site.
From an exception point of view, it’s local response to server 403.
WebException Class is how the response controls the exception.
This is handled by .NET Framework or mono. What OS is used?

Is not clear regarding AuthID. If you went through the create-an-AuthID twice, you got different ones.
I would suggest looking at AuthID to compare, or alternatively please create a new, to see if it helps.
If that doesn’t do it, you can try a Google Drive (full access) login here for testing purposes.
These may go unsupported by Google as having too much access, so it’s safer to not rely on them.

Is this a simple personal Google account, or something more complicated like a business account?

I still do not know why way of GUI-starting matters, but Commandline and CLI tests may give a clue.
Because error was on a list, you can also try Destination Test connection button. It does a list
which you should be able to watch in About → Show log → Live → Retry. 3 get operations follow it.

When was the last success? This should be in your job logs, and probably also on your home screen.

Welcome to the forum @lcsneil

So same weird behavior as @philae except you mention a reinstall. @philae any similar changes?
I’m not going to repeat everything to everybody, but please feel free to use same questions and advice.
Everybody please also say what Duplicati version you’re on, what OS, and any clues to what changed.