September 3, 2024, 8:38am
Hello on Filters I use
Exclude file extension and declare as value *.log
It doesn’t work and takes all the log files which takes time and resources.
is my syntax wrong? I should use a value of log or .log ??? which is the correct syntax?
I might try the exclude file and use *.log
September 3, 2024, 9:12am
Seems that I found the answer.
using the
exclude file and value *.log
changes it to:
Exclude file extension and value log
so no * and no dot for file extension which seems obvious…
as they say most errors are between the chair and keyb. lol
September 3, 2024, 1:02pm
Welcome to the forum @thanosc
I think the UI leads one into doing what seems to be the wrong thing. Add filter offers up:
Exclude expression with * prefill. Changing dropdown to Exclude file extension leaves *.
This leads one to make *.log, whereas actually deleting an asterisk and typing log works.
Checking on filter builder with three-dot-menu and Edit as text is sometimes a good idea.
Another error that the GUI leads into is leaving things at Exclude expression with * prefill.