Error while running Synology backup

@ts678 Sorry for lack of responses. I was away on a short trip. Yes, I created another backup profile on Duplicati, making both the source and destination Storj (via SFTP connection in Duplicati). So now I have two profiles. One having the source as Storj and the destination as the Synology NAS. The other having the source as Storj and the destination as Storj (via Storj Decentralized access grant connection in Duplicati). The source in both profiles is a network drive to Storj accessible through MountainDuck.

EDIT: I used Windows Defender before. Now I use MalwareBytes.

EDIT 2: Yes, I created another backup profile on Duplicati, making both the source and destination Storj (via storj decentralized access grant).

I expect the first to work if the drive mapping for Storj is 100% compatible with a local drive.
Unfortunately, the Storj Duplicati driver seems to be currently broken.

Port 28967 was one of the ports outbound traffic was blocked to. I guess it was just MalwareBytes being overly aggressive. I allowed the trayicon.exe for Duplicati to access outbound traffic.

Iā€™m pretty sure it is.

So then my second profile shouldnā€™t work, even after allowing it to connect to outbound, until the driver is fixed (storj driver)?

Itā€™s good to hear that itā€™s an intentional install. Maybe that means you can ask them about odd alerts, although they too will probably need some specifics. I canā€™t say much either without that information.

One thing I can add is that port 7777 might be a Storj satellite, but Iā€™m not sure which MalwareBytes chooses to scan. Ordinary http and https would be natural. Beyond that, is it even their business?

Basically, in terms of MalwareBytes not liking Storj, still need answers from post above, or ask them.
Possible workaround is to use the Storj S3 Gateway, but I think the price is higher. I donā€™t have Storj.

A Google search like the following will find how certain things have (maybe) been whitelisted, but the individual storage nodes are too numerous. I think the S3 Gateway avoids you going direct to nodes. "storj"

On maybe unrelated news, someone just opened an issue saying Storj stopped working on Duplicati.
And I see you edited in that you saw that issue. That also might be possible to workaround with S3ā€¦

Hmm. So maybe it looked at neither the IP nor the content. Well. Iā€™m glad you solved a bit of this heap.

Regarding the suspect Storj API change, web search couldnā€™t find that, yet someone saw a new issue. Maybe youā€™re not affected, maybe you are. Either way, someone whoā€™s not me would have to examine.

OK. I think we solved the thread? What should I do to indicate this?

Donā€™t you see a box on the right like below, and a bunch of Solution buttons under each post?


Or if you canā€™t decide on a specific one (as there were several) just leaving it alone will be fine.
GitHub Issues are actually tracked as to Open, Closed, etc. Forum topics arenā€™t very trackedā€¦

Iā€™ll just leave it be. Thanks for all your help. You were great. I would highlight an answer, but I am not sure what the solution actually is lololol!

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last time I looked the issue was not confirmed, but itā€™s a hint if something donā€™t work for you.