Error while running Synology backup

It was in use before, working before. Windows 11 before, Windows 11 now. The old backup was deleted, even the remote files. I was getting another error of some kind and figured "No big deal. I need to reformat anyways. I will delete the local and remote file databases and after reformatting just restart Duplicati. The files, at the source (Storj) are safe and sound.

So you want me to try to do Webdav again, but with SSL?

I did that and tested the connection. It immediately fails. If I uncheck it, it works.

Certificate at Synology says what you need to do before you can secure the connection.
SFTP does not need this sort of certificate. Meanwhile your WebDAV is open to snoops.

Strange. Any other changes done anywhere? Synology, Duplicati, and so on?

You’re on latest Duplicati Beta now, and an old Beta would have updated to it.

Did you set up the new Duplicati from a job Export or type it in by hand again?

What am I doing wrong?

Screenshot 2024-02-12 075859

You’re not typing the command. Type that, and then the URL.

If there is a space in the URL, put the whole URL inside double quotes to keep the text together.

I accidentally revealed (but then deleted and reposted) in one of the screenshots my passphrase to decrypt the backup files. No big deal, right? The only way the passphrase could be used by another person is if they had the actual files?

Right, however getting files is easier as you’ve possibly sent unencrypted WebDAV credentials.

Is there a trustworthy network between you and Synology, or is this just the wide open Internet?

What URL are you using anyway? A lot is obscured, but yours looks too short.
You should use the one from the Export modified to an empty Synology folder.

The files are using plain old WEBDAV to back them up from the source (Storj network drive) to the destination (Remote synology NAS). Whatever. I will just change the passphrase when the problem is resolved.

What am I using from the above?

Starting from the last image Duplicati.CommandLine.BackendTester.exe and then the URL where the URL is the one of the images above it that actually gives your remote name. You also need to edit it to use another folder (which possibly needs to be precreated). Your current error, “The remote name could not be resolved” is possibly because of too short a (covered up with red) name. You need your actual Synology’s.


You might need to double quote the edited URL. I mentioned it for spaces, but ampersand also needs it.

I’m just missing the folder portion. And the double quotes you mentioned. Do you want me to go into file station on synology and just make an empty folder for this test? And what do you mean about the quotes? I didn’t understand that.

Type it in by hand. Manually created.

Batch file: filename with ampersand (&) explains my concern about the ampersand that you posted.


but what you just posted is the alternative syntax which might work too, and might not need quoting.

I can’t see the obscured stuff, but link at top here talks about the special characters to watch out for.

That looks right to me, everything except for the last part, the part that has to do with the folder.