Error in updater - Trust Failure - SSL error

For me (Arch Linux, Duplicati installed from AUR) I needed to run;

sudo certmgr -del -c -v -m Trust 5BCAA1C2780F0BCB5A90770451D96F38963F012D

It’s essentially the same as the solutions above, but for me deleting the certificate from the main store and running cert-sync wasn’t syncing to Mono’s certificate store properly I don’t know why.

To see if Mono still has the offending certificate you can run

>>> $ certmgr -list -certificate -m Trust | egrep --context 3 'ISRG Root X1|DST Root CA X3'

Self-signed X.509 v3 Certificate
  Serial Number: 6B40F82E86393089BA27A3D680B0AF44
  Issuer Name:   O=Digital Signature Trust Co., CN=DST Root CA X3
  Subject Name:  O=Digital Signature Trust Co., CN=DST Root CA X3
  Valid From:    30/09/2000 9:12:19 PM
  Valid Until:   30/09/2021 2:01:15 PM
  Unique Hash:   5BCAA1C2780F0BCB5A90770451D96F38963F012D

Self-signed X.509 v3 Certificate
  Serial Number: 008B8263BBE0634459E340D2B0CF108200
  Issuer Name:   C=US, O=Internet Security Research Group, CN=ISRG Root X1
  Subject Name:  C=US, O=Internet Security Research Group, CN=ISRG Root X1
  Valid From:    4/06/2015 11:04:38 AM
  Valid Until:   4/06/2035 11:04:38 AM
  Unique Hash:   3F0411EDE9C4477057D57E57883B1F205B20CDC0F3263129B1EE0269A2678F63

After deleting it with certmgr and running that command again I’ve only go the ISRG certificate

>>> $ certmgr -list -certificate -m Trust | egrep --context 3 'ISRG Root X1|DST Root CA X3'

Self-signed X.509 v3 Certificate
  Serial Number: 008B8263BBE0634459E340D2B0CF108200
  Issuer Name:   C=US, O=Internet Security Research Group, CN=ISRG Root X1
  Subject Name:  C=US, O=Internet Security Research Group, CN=ISRG Root X1
  Valid From:    4/06/2015 11:04:38 AM
  Valid Until:   4/06/2035 11:04:38 AM
  Unique Hash:   3F0411EDE9C4477057D57E57883B1F205B20CDC0F3263129B1EE0269A2678F63

Anyway, hopefully that helps anyone else who is similarly stuck :slight_smile: