Empty popup on opening web GUI

Every time I open the web GUI for the first time after startup, an empty popup is overlayed:

It contains no text so I have no clue what it’s supposed to tell.
I’ve also checked its HTML, maybe that helps:

            <div class="info">
                <div class="title ng-binding"></div>
                <div class="content ng-binding ng-hide" ng-show="state.CurrentItem.message || state.CurrentItem.enableTextarea">
                    <form ng-show="state.CurrentItem.enableTextarea" class="ng-valid ng-hide ng-dirty ng-valid-parse">
                        <textarea placeholder="" ng-model="state.CurrentItem.textarea" id="copytarget" class="ng-untouched ng-valid ng-dirty ng-valid-parse"></textarea>
                <!-- ngInclude: state.CurrentItem.htmltemplate -->
                <div class="content buttons">
                        <!-- ngInclude: state.CurrentItem.buttonTemplate -->
                        <!-- ngRepeat: btn in state.CurrentItem.buttons track by $index -->

I can only close it by reloading the page.

1 Like

Seeing this same thing. Firefox on Linux.

Just wondering if this is in the hopper to be fixed?

Duplicati -

Way to see is in forum or GitHub release notices. Specific GitHub notices can show later changes.

Empty Popup “dialog” opening web UI #4608 seems to be issue filed from this. I don’t recall a prior.
Neither report says how exactly they open the web GUI. There are a lot of ways, and it may matter.

FWIW I can get Firefox to do this with a right-click on a tab and choosing the Duplicate Tab item.
Chromium-based Edge does not have the problem for me. It’s unclear what @ptoews was using.

I opened 4608 this morning - continuing the conversation there.

Welcome to the forum @abdulhaih

Following trail from prior post:

The actual fix (which you can type in yourself) is below:

Fixed issue with empty popups, thanks @AxeOfMen

Canary releases get new fixes and breakages and are not widely used, but you can use one if you like.

If you’re not on Firefox then this doesn’t apply, but regardless I don’t think admins are doing any of this.