Duration on duplicati.com doesn't show correct value

I ran my first backup on a new Mac mini with Sequoia, which backs up a local Immich photo library to my Microsoft OneDrive account. I authenticate OneDrive with Microsoft OneDrive v2.

With 356GB to backup and at a rate of 20Mbps upload speed, the backup took more than 1 day. Here are the results:

  • The local web UI correctly shows the backend took “1 day(s) and 11:27:01:white_check_mark:
  • The remote web UI on duplicati.com shows two inconsistent values on Backups{backup entry}:
    a) Duration column shows “an hour”, which is incorrect :x:
    b) Hover over Duration column shows “1.11:27:00.5522210”, which matches the local web UI so I believe this is correct and the result value was uploaded correctly :white_check_mark:

Please see attached screenshots of the local backend web UI and the duplicati.com that shows the two values when hovering over the Duration field.

I hope this is clear! Please shout out if not.

Thank you, Brian :slight_smile:

Thanks! It is clear what the error is. Most likely the relative date library does not support durations larger than a day. I will fix it.

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I can see you’ve resolved this issue and implemented the fix, as the backup now shows “a day” instead of “an hour”. Thanks Kenneth (@kenkendk)! :+1:

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