Duplicati's website is down for a week

Today I’ve noticed that Duplicati’s website (http://www.duplicati.com/) has been offline for a week, as per this: Duplicati.com - Is Duplicati Down Right Now?

If there’s an issue with hosting, I have a php-enabled webserver that can take care of the site, and it would be a pleasure to be of help.


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It seems down right now but I’m pretty sure I saw it up earlier today.

Thanks for the heads up. I don’t know why the “is it down right now” site says a week. It happened when Digital Ocean rebooted all the servers to fix the Meltdown issue, and for some reason the nginx instance that I use for redirects failed to start.

I have restarted it, the site loads and “is it down” still reports it as down. It looks like the reboot happened 20 hours ago.