Hello, we would like to roll out Duplicati in the company. Linux version and MacOS version work great.
Storage location is AWS S3. The user has no delete rights, so the backup cannot be manipulated. The problem is rather the Windows version, which thinks about once a week it has to delete backups. Although all backups should be kept. Only the Windows computer has this problem. This computer has the same config as the Linux/MacOS computers. We have been testing this configuration for a month now, without any problems, except the Windows box mentioned above.
Amazon.S3.AmazonS3Exception: Access Denied ---> Amazon.Runtime.Internal.HttpErrorResponseException: Der Remoteserver hat einen Fehler zurückgegeben: (403) Unzulässig. ---> [System.Net](http://system.net/).WebException: Der Remoteserver hat einen Fehler zurückgegeben: (403) Unzulässig.
bei [System.Net](http://system.net/).HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
bei Amazon.Runtime.Internal.HttpRequest.GetResponse()
--- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
bei Amazon.Runtime.Internal.HttpRequest.GetResponse()
bei Amazon.Runtime.Internal.HttpHandler`1.InvokeSync(IExecutionContext executionContext)
bei Amazon.Runtime.Internal.RedirectHandler.InvokeSync(IExecutionContext executionContext)
bei Amazon.Runtime.Internal.Unmarshaller.InvokeSync(IExecutionContext executionContext)
bei Amazon.S3.Internal.AmazonS3ResponseHandler.InvokeSync(IExecutionContext executionContext)
bei Amazon.Runtime.Internal.ErrorHandler.InvokeSync(IExecutionContext executionContext)
--- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
bei Duplicati.Library.Main.BackendManager.Delete(String remotename, Int64 size, Boolean synchronous)
bei Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.FilelistProcessor.RemoteListAnalysis(BackendManager backend, Options options, LocalDatabase database, IBackendWriter log, String protectedfile)
bei Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.FilelistProcessor.VerifyRemoteList(BackendManager backend, Options options, LocalDatabase database, IBackendWriter log, String protectedfile)
bei Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.BackupHandler.PreBackupVerify(BackendManager backend, String protectedfile)
bei Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.BackupHandler.<RunAsync>d__20.MoveNext()
--- Ende der Stapelüberwachung vom vorhergehenden Ort, an dem die Ausnahme ausgelöst wurde ---
bei System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
bei CoCoL.ChannelExtensions.WaitForTaskOrThrow(Task task)
bei Duplicati.Library.Main.Controller.<>c__DisplayClass14_0.<Backup>b__0(BackupResults result)
bei Duplicati.Library.Main.Controller.RunAction[T](T result, String[]& paths, IFilter& filter, Action`1 method)
bei Duplicati.Library.Main.Controller.Backup(String[] inputsources, IFilter filter)
bei Duplicati.Server.Runner.Run(IRunnerData data, Boolean fromQueue)
* 24. Aug. 2020 10:41: Cannot open WMI provider \\localhost\root\virtualization\v2. Hyper-V is probably not installed.
* 24. Aug. 2020 10:41: Cannot find any MS SQL Server instance. MS SQL Server is probably not installed.
* 24. Aug. 2020 10:37: Cannot open WMI provider \\localhost\root\virtualization\v2. Hyper-V is probably not installed.
* 24. Aug. 2020 10:37: Cannot find any MS SQL Server instance. MS SQL Server is probably not installed.
* 24. Aug. 2020 10:34: Cannot open WMI provider \\localhost\root\virtualization\v2. Hyper-V is probably not installed.
* 24. Aug. 2020 10:34: Cannot find any MS SQL Server instance. MS SQL Server is probably not installed.
* 24. Aug. 2020 10:34: Die Operation Backup ist mit folgenden Fehler fehlgeschlagen: Access Denied
* 24. Aug. 2020 10:34: Fatal error
* 24. Aug. 2020 10:34: Überwinden eines Fehlers beim Löschen der Datei duplicati-b2c9a5e7702864a2d9d007bad34155e10.dblock.zip.aes fehlgeschlagen
* 24. Aug. 2020 10:34: Löschung der Datei fehlgeschlagen duplicati-b2c9a5e7702864a2d9d007bad34155e10.dblock.zip.aes, prüfe ob Datei existiert
* 24. Aug. 2020 10:34: Backend event: Delete - Failed: duplicati-b2c9a5e7702864a2d9d007bad34155e10.dblock.zip.aes (641,37 KB)
* 24. Aug. 2020 10:34: Operation Delete with file duplicati-b2c9a5e7702864a2d9d007bad34155e10.dblock.zip.aes attempt 5 of 5 failed with message: Access Denied
* 24. Aug. 2020 10:34: Backend event: Delete - Started: duplicati-b2c9a5e7702864a2d9d007bad34155e10.dblock.zip.aes (641,37 KB)
* 24. Aug. 2020 10:33: Backend event: Delete - Retrying: duplicati-b2c9a5e7702864a2d9d007bad34155e10.dblock.zip.aes (641,37 KB)
* 24. Aug. 2020 10:33: Operation Delete with file duplicati-b2c9a5e7702864a2d9d007bad34155e10.dblock.zip.aes attempt 4 of 5 failed with message: Access Denied
* 24. Aug. 2020 10:33: Backend event: Delete - Started: duplicati-b2c9a5e7702864a2d9d007bad34155e10.dblock.zip.aes (641,37 KB)
* 24. Aug. 2020 10:33: Backend event: Delete - Retrying: duplicati-b2c9a5e7702864a2d9d007bad34155e10.dblock.zip.aes (641,37 KB)
* 24. Aug. 2020 10:33: Operation Delete with file duplicati-b2c9a5e7702864a2d9d007bad34155e10.dblock.zip.aes attempt 3 of 5 failed with message: Access Denied