Hey there, I’m trying to setup a system for notifiarr sending me a notification when a duplicati backup fails. Since notifiarr doesn’t have official integration with duplicati, I was wondering how one would go about doing this.
If there’s a simpler way to do this, for example webhooks to discord, I’m also all in for that.
There are a few “reporting modules” that can be used, but so far Discord/Slack/Notifiarr are not explicitly supported.
One way would be to use the HTTP message module. This can be configured with --send-http-url=... and will default send the report contents to that URL.
There are a few tweaks possible, such as --send-http-result-output-format=Json which will send a JSON payload instead. You can also set --send-http-log-level=Warning (or Error) to only get messages when something is causing issues.
However, the contents are not formatted nicely for use with either service. Feel free to create an issue requesting support for other destinations.
An alternative approach would be to use --run-script-after which allows you to invoke any executable you like. There are examples here: