Docker: exec /usr/bin/duplicati-server failed: No such file or directory


i’m running two Docker Containers from duplicati/duplicati.
One of this mailed today night a mail about the backup, the other not. At now both are down. The Portainer-Log says:

[FATAL tini (7)] exec /usr/bin/duplicati-server failed: No such file or directory

The Image is new from yesterday, so i have tryed to use older one, but (6 days ago) and (12 days ago) also don’t work.

I have no idea any more? Can anyone help me?


The Docker images have changed slightly with the new build method. The correct path is now:


The Docker images do have this as the entry point, but in case you have provided your own entry point, this would explain it.

You need to go all the way back to to get the /usr/bin path. There was a slight bug in the deployment of that did not publish the latest tag on Dockerhub, but is published as latest now.

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thank you!
I had the Compose file generated with auto-compose from a regular Docker container. It then included the following lines:

      - "/usr/bin/duplicati-server"
      - "--webservice-port=8200"
      - "--webservice-interface=any"

I commented out these lines, and now the container is running again!
However, I have two other problems:

  • Duplicati suddenly wants a password. I tried adding the following environment line, but it didn’t change anything:
  • One of the Docker instances suddenly reports this error, while the other ran without any issues:
Unexpected number of remote volumes marked as deleted. Found 3 filesets, but 2 volumes

Could this somehow be related, or would that be more of a topic for a new thread?

With you can now provide the arguments via env variables:


Then you do not need to change with the command, and can use the container default.

Yes, that is a new security feature. You can add the environment variable such as:


That is a different topic and most likely not related to the update. Can you create a new topic for this, and include some logging?

Done :wink:

and Duplicati Access Password | Duplicati edited for Docker:
don’t work?

I will try it… :wink:

Thank You

That is a different feature. The sign-in tokens are tokens that are created by the TrayIcon or ServerUtil when they need to access the server. If you disable the sign-in tokens, these two applications will require a password and cannot rely on read access to the local database.