Delete operation failed

Hello !

I have an error with my backup “Delete operation failed” :

8 sept. 2017 13:31: Message
removing remote file listed as Deleting:
8 sept. 2017 13:31: Message
Listing indicates file is deleted correctly
8 sept. 2017 13:31: Warning
Delete operation failed for with FileNotFound, listing contents
Duplicati.Library.Interface.FileMissingException: The requested file does not exist
   à Duplicati.Library.Backend.Backblaze.B2.Delete(String remotename)
   à Duplicati.Library.Main.BackendManager.DoDelete(FileEntryItem item)
8 sept. 2017 13:31: Message
removing remote file listed as Deleting:

What I need to do ?
I have more of 50 errors like that.

Thanks !


I think there is a time problem, where the files are actually deleted but the file listing says they are there. When Duplicati then attempts to delete the files one by one, and each fails (FileNotFound) and Duplicati finds out that this means that they are actually deleted, and continues.

tl;dr: you can ignore it.

Does it happen every time you run a backup?

Yes,I have now 150 warnings…
I do backup every hours.


Wow… Are the files deleted when you check the B2 destination folder ?
Are they perhaps in some kind of “trashed” state?

Now I have :“Got 178 warning(s)”

I check the last error :

Listing indicates file is deleted correctly

12 sept. 2017 08:37: Warning
Delete operation failed for with FileNotFound, listing contents
Duplicati.Library.Interface.FileMissingException: The requested file does not exist
   à Duplicati.Library.Backend.Backblaze.B2.Delete(String remotename)
   à Duplicati.Library.Main.BackendManager.DoDelete(FileEntryItem item)

And I don’t found he file on my B2 storage.

What can I do ?


I edited your post to improve the formating. (Just added ~~~ before and after the output you pasted, see here for details).

From your error messages it seems that the list of “files that should be deleted” keeps growing? Does that mean that the same filenames are repeatedly attempted deleted? Or are they new names each time?

Not sure, still trying to figure out what goes on. Maybe I only tested with daily backups, and there is some delay that appears here.

It’s a new name each time :

I increase the delay : 3H now.

Thanks for your help !
